CampTO at Montgomery’s Inn

We still have spaces left for camp in July and August.!

CampTO at Toronto History Museums and at Cultural Centres is a creative camp experience that offers outdoor and physical activities, active and quiet games, arts and crafts, and nature-based activities based unique gallery or museum settings.

How to Register


Enter the following information:

client number
family number
course code
credit card

To obtain your client and family numbers, please call Client Services at 416-396-7378.

July 11 to 15 — Code 4058921
July 18 to 22 — Code 4058922
July 25 to 29 — Code 4058923
August 2 to 5 — Code 4058927
August 8 to 12 — Code 4058924
August 15 to 19 — Code 4058925
August 22 to 26 — Code 4058926