The members of the board of Montgomery’s INNovators join the staff and volunteers at Montgomery’s Inn in mourning the passing, on January 20, of our dear friend Wayne Roberts.
Wayne was a tireless advocate for local food systems. During his time as manager of the Toronto Food Policy Council, Wayne’s vision was that city-owned buildings (even unconventional ones such as museums) should be used as sites for strengthening local food networks, connecting food producers directly to food consumers, and increasing urban food security.
That vision was shared by our past curator Mike Lipowski.
Out of that shared vision, our Farmers’ Market was born!
Wayne was also instrumental in the INNovators’ fundraising efforts which paid for the construction of the Inn’s bread oven. He loved the idea of a community gathering to bake & break bread together.
As soon as Covid-19 restrictions allow, we will be sure to bake a batch in Wayne’s honour.
Kate Hill, Museum Program Officer, Montgomery’s Inn
You can learn more here about the life of this extraordinary man.
Photo Credits: the featured photo is from Wayne’s twitter feed and the second photo is from Foodtank: The Thinktank for Food.